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The ferns of Great Britain and Ireland (1857) / by Thomas Moore ; edited by John Lindley ; nature-printed by Henry Bradbury.  Volume 1 of 1

Navigate through book: Introduction | Bibliographic Information | View Pages | Structure | List of Illustrations | View in Botanicus

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 preface continued
 Author's preface
 Author's preface continued
 Synoptical Table of the plates
 Synoptical Table of the plates continued
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 Illustration of A.B.C.D. Polypodium vulgare E. Polypodium vulgare acutum F. Polypodium vulgare bifidum - View in detail
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 Illustration of A. Poypodium vulgare semilacerum B. Polypodium vulgare serratum - View in detail
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 Illustration of A.Polypodium vulgare B.Polypodium vulgare crenatum - View in detail
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 description of Plates I, II, III
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 Illustration of Polypodium Phegopteris - View in detail
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 description of Plate IV
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 Illustration of Polypodium Dryopteris - View in detail
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 description of Plate V
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 Illustration of Polypodium Robertanum - View in detail
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 description of Plate VI
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 Illustration of Polypodium alpestre - View in detail
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 description of Plate VII continued
 description of Plate VII continued
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 Illustration of Allosarus crispus - View in detail
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 description of Plate VIII continued
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 Illustration of Polystichum Lonchitis - View in detail
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 description of Plate IX
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 Illustration of A.Polystichum aculeatum B.Polystichum aculeatum argutum C.Polystichum aculeatum alatum - View in detail
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 Illustration of Polystichum aculeatum lobatum - View in detail
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 description of Plates X, XI continued
 description of Plates X, XI continued
 recto, blank
 Illustration of A.Polystichum angulare B.Polystichum angulare hastulatum C.Polystichum angulare irregulare D.Polystichum angulare biserratum E.Polystichum angulare imbricatum - View in detail
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 Illustration of A.Polystichum angulare subtripinnatum B.Polystichum angulare tripinnatum C.Polystichum angulare proliferum - View in detail
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 description of Plates XII and XIII continued
 description of Plates XII and XIII continued
 description of Plates XII and XIII continued
 description of Plates XII and XIII continued
 description of Plates XII and XIII continued
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 Illustration of Lastrea Filix-mas - View in detail
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 Illustration of Lastrea Filix-mas incisa - View in detail
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 Illustration of A.Lastrea Filix-mas crisata B.Lastrea Filix-mas polydactyla - View in detail
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 Illustration of A.Lastrea Filix-mas pumila B.Lastrea Filix-mas paleacea - View in detail
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 description of plates XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. Continued
 description of plates XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. Continued
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 Illustration of Lastrea rigida - View in detail
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 description of Plate XVIII
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 Illustration of Lastrea cristata - View in detail
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 Illustration of Lastrea cristata uliginosa - View in detail
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 Illustration of Latrea Spinulosa - View in detail
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 description of Plate XXI continued
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 Illustration of Lastrea dilatata - View in detail
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 Illustration of Lastrea dilatata glandulosa - View in detail
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 Illustration of Lastrea dilatata Chanteriæ - View in detail
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 Illustration of Lastrea dilatata dumetorum - View in detail
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 Illustration of A.B. Lastrea dilatata collina C.D.Lastrea dilatata nana - View in detail
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 description of Plates XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI continued
 description of Plates XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI continued
 description of Plates XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI continued
 description of Plates XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI continued
 description of Plates XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI continued
 description of Plates XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI continued
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 Illustration of Lastrea fœnisecii - View in detail
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 description of Plate XXVII
 description of Plate XXVII continued
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 Illustration of Lastrea Oreopteris - View in detail
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 description of Plate XXVIII
 description of Plate XXVIII continued
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 Illustration of Lastrea Thelypteris - View in detail
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 description of Plate XXIX
 description of Plate XXIX continued
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 Illustration of Athyrium Filix fœmina - View in detail
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 Illustration of A.Athyrium Filix fœmina rhæticum B.Athyrium Filix latifolium C.Athyrium Filix marinum - View in detail
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 Illustration of Athyrium Filix fœmina ovatum - View in detail
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 Illustration of Athyrium Filix fœmina multifidum - View in detail
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 Illustration of A.Athyrium Filix fœmina crispum B.Athyrium Filix fœmina depauperatum C.Athyrium Filix fœmina dissectum - View in detail
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 description of Plates XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV.
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 description of Plates XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. Continued
 description of Plates XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. Continued
 description of Plates XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. Continued
 description of Plates XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. Continued
 description of Plates XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. Continued
 description of Plates XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. Continued
 description of Plates XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. Continued
 description of Plates XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. Continued
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 Illustration of A.Asplenium fontanum B.Asplenium lanceolatum - View in detail
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 Illustration of A.B.Asplenium Adiantum nigrum C.D.Asplenium Adiantum nigrum obtusum - View in detail
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 Illustration of Asplenium Adiantum nigrum acutum - View in detail
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 description of Plates XXXVI. XXXVII continued
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 Illustration of Asplenium marinum - View in detail
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 description of Plate XXXVIII
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 description of Plate XXXVIII continued
 description of Plate XXXVIII continued
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 Illustration of Asplenium Trichomanes - View in detail
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 description of Plate XXXIX
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 description of Plate XXXIX continued
 description of Plate XXXIX continued
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 Illustration of Asplenium viride - View in detail
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 description of Plate XL
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 Illustration of A.Asplenium Ruta-muraria B.Asplenium germanicum C.Asplenium septentrionale - View in detail
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 Illustration of Scolopendrium vulgare - View in detail
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 description of Plate XLII continued
 description of Plate XLII continued
 description of Plate XLII continued
 description of Plate XLII continued
 description of Plate XLII continued
 description of Plate XLII continued
 description of Plate XLII continued
 description of Plate XLII continued
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 Illustration of A.Ceterach officionarum B.Gymnogramma leptophylla C.Blechnum Spicant - View in detail
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 description of Plate XLIII C continued
 description of Plate XLIII C continued
 description of Plate XLIII C continued
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 Illustration of Pteris aquilina - View in detail
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 description of Plates XLIV continued
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 Illustration of Adiantum Capillus-Vaneris - View in detail
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 description of Plate XLV
 description of Plate XLV continued
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 Illustration of A.Cystopteris fragilis B.Cystopteris regia C.Cystopteris montana - View in detail
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 description of Plate XLVI A.
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 description of Plate XLVI A.continued
 description of Plate XLVI A.continued
 description of Plate XLVI A.continued
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 description of Plate XLVI B.
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 description of Plate XLVI C.
 description of Plate XLVI C. continued
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 Illustration of A.Woodsia ilvensis B.Woodsia alpina - View in detail
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 description of Plate XLVII A.
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 description of Plate XLVII B. continued
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 Illustration of Trichomanes radicans - View in detail
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 description of Plate XLVIII
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 Illustration of A.Hymanophylum tunbridgense B.Hymenophyllum unilaterale - View in detail
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 description of Plates XLIX A.
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 Illustration of Osmunda regalis - View in detail
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 description of Plate L.
 description of Plate L. continued
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 Illustration of A.Botrychium Lunaria B.Ophiglossum vulgatum C.Ophiglossum Lusitanicum - View in detail
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 description of Plate LI B. continued
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 description of Plate LI C. continued
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