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The natural history of the rarer lepidopterous insects of Georgia : Including their systematic characters, the particulars of their several metamorphoses, and the plants on which they feed. Collected from the observation of Mr. John Abbot, many years resident in that country  Volume 2 of 2

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 Illustration of Phalæna Ilicifolia. Quercus Phellos 51 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Velleda. Quercus Phellos 52 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Opercularis. Viburnum Prunifolium 53 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Pyxidifera. Vaccinium Frondosum 54 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Imperatoria. Platanus Occidentalis 55 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Stigma. Quercus Discolor 56 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Senatoria. Fagus Pumila 57 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Pellucida. Quercus Nigra 58 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Neustria. Quercus Aquatica 59 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Castrensis. Prunus Insittitia 60 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Regia. Diospyros Virginiana 61 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Virgo. Mimosa Microphylla 62 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Dione. Plantago Major 63 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Phyllira. Helianthus Divaricatus 64 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Placentia. Rubus Fruticosus 65 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Isabella. Elephantopus Scaber 66 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Acria. Crotalaria Perfoliata 67 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Echo. 68 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Oculatissima. Polymnia Tetragonotheca 69 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Punctatissima. Morus Rubra 70 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Furcula. Populus Monilifera 71 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Anastomosis. Salix Amygdalina 72 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Cippus. Cornus Florida 73 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Pithecium. Diospyros Virginiana 74 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Tessellaris. Fagus Ferruginea 75 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Torrefacta. Carpinus Ostrya 76 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Achatina. Quercus ….. 77 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Leucophæa. Quercus ….. 78 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Leucostigma. Quercus Aquatica 79 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Albifrons. Quercus Alba 80 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Ministra. Andromeda Mariana 81 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Gibbosa. Quercus Prinus 82 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Angulosa. Quercus ….. 83 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Anguina. Hedysarum Marylandicum 84 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Concinna. Gleditsia Triacanthos 85 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Unicornis. Prinos Verticillatus 86 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Aurora. Quercus Alba 87 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Neogama. Juglans Nigra 88 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Consors. Amorpha Fruticosa 89 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Amasia. Melia Azedarach 90 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Vidua. Quercus Phellos 91 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Hastulifera. Betula Serrulata 92 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Aceris. Acer Rubrum 93 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Oblinita. Gossypium Barbadense 94 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Commelinæ. Commelina Communis 95 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Frugiperda. Holcus Bicolor 96 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Phytolaccæ. Phytolacca Decandra 97 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Chionanthi. Chionanthus Virginica 98 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Gauræ. Gaura Biennis 99 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Rhexiæ. Rhexia Virginica 100 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Clemataria. Clematis Rosea. ……….. Reticulata 101 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Liriodendraria. Liriodendron Tulipifera 102 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Quernaria. Quercus Rubra 103 - View in detail
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 Illustration of Phalæna Calycanthata. Calycanthus Florida 104 - View in detail
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